Owning a designer handbag is an investment. Therefore, it is important also know how to clean, care and store the handbag correctly.

Look out for the chain

In addition of knowing how to clean and care for the handbag, it is as vital to store the handbag correctly. For example with smaller handbags that have a metal chain, it is important that the chain will not leave a mark on the leather while stored. This can be prevented by placing the chain inside the handbag.

Filling your handbag

During storage, make sure your handbag also stays perfect by filling the bag. By placing a filler, a special pillow inside the handbag while storing, you ensure that the handbag will not lose its posture or shape.

Now available - new premium handbag filler. This triangle shaped Premium filler is made from thicker woven cotton and it gives a firm support for your handbag as it is filled with EPS styrox. It has a velcro tape closure to enable adjusting the amount of filling. Perfect for a medium bag, that need all the support it can get to stay in shape.

Shop handbag fillers


Keep it dust free

Keep your handbag dust free with a dustbag. If your handbag is missing it's original dustbag, you can order a custom made dustbag.

Made from brushed cotton - only the best for your handbag.

Psst. Now also available a mini dustbag for your smaller chains - keep them safe while not using them.

Shop dustbags